It’s the newest coolest thing, to become a Zynfluencer. Although the parent company Phillip Morris International, which is the manufacturer of Zyn, (the new Juul on the market that delivers nicotine without the plume of smoke or the need of a cartridge), declares they do not market to kids, it is just a matter of time before your child too can become an underground promoter of their products. Just don’t tell anybody!
Let me back up to explain what I am talking about. There is yet again, a new product to deliver nicotine that appears to deliver all the fun of nicotine and none of the fuss. The customer no longer needs to vape it, so no more liquids or cartridges. Just put a small pouch under the tongue and it will release a steady flow of nicotine – more than what customers get from a cigarette. It is called Zyn. Zyn comes in innovative and attractive flavors to make its users feel cutting edge”. So, if you want to raise your status, just recommend this product to heighten your level of being cool…
But just when you think this new nicotine delivery system is benign, consider the most recent, albeit inconclusive research that is currently known, since the FDA hasn’t yet weighed in. Although the product does not damage the lungs Zyn contains ammonia and formaldehyde. The nicotine is harmful to the cardiovascular system and it contributes to poor oral health such as gum disease, and cavities. It quickly changes the DNA to your mouth and throat. This doesn’t include the research that reports of most users experiencing side effects, such as, mouth lesions, sore mouths, and throats, and even nausea – a symptom of nicotine poisoning.
Because this product delivers nicotine slowly, it lacks that feeling addicts crave from the initial hit from a vape or cigarette. Therefore, most Zyn users alternate their nicotine intake when they especially miss what I call the “nicotine rush” when the nicotine enters the bloodstream quickly and sends it across synapses in the brain to deliver that dopamine release - that only one’s vape or cigarette can deliver. The result is, while the users think they is doing something that is better for their health, they in fact are delivering more nicotine than ever to their bodies and becoming increasingly dependent. That only makes their withdrawal from nicotine – if they are ever lucky enough to get free from it - more challenging.
Never heard of Zyn? You will. It’s now more than a billion-dollar industry and growing: in fact, more than 62% from 2022 to 2023. Watch out!
If you have had enough of nicotine and would like a lifetime of freedom, call, or email me for a free virtual consultation. Every client I have ever had believes they can’t succeed. Join the club!
I leave you with a quote by Goethe:
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!”